Past Chapter Presidents

24July 2023January 2023Eric Wiese
23January 2023 Alex X. Vega
22August 2022February 2022Ryan J. Almodovar
21February 2022July 2023Alex X. Vega
20August 2021August 2022Thomas Lovascio
19September 2020August 2021Dom Schiano
18June 2019September 2020Ant J. Maggi
17June 2018June 2019Sean Mullins
15June 2016June 2016Kieran J. Reilly
16June 2016June 2018Everett Johnson
14October 2015June 2016Joe Santangelo
13August 2015October 2015David Cohen
12March 2015August 2015Chris J. Scott
11January 2015March 2015Anthony J. Ajello
10January 2014January 2015Michael B. Cannilla
9December 2012January 2014Anthony Giordano
8January 2012December 2012Matthew C. Gallo
7July 2011January 2012Andrew Moreira
6July 2010July 2011Rolando Hernandez III
5June 2009July 2010Christopher Rosado
4January 2009June 2009Anthony R. Troise
3August 2008January 2009Joseph Cardone Jr.
2August 2007August 2008Jonathan Klein
1February 2007August 2007Peter M. Shea

The Upsilon-Lambda Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon at College of Staten Island was installed as a chapter on May 3, 2008.

Since 1899, Tau Kappa Epsilon has never had an exclusionary clause for membership. TKE does not judge men on their wealth, rank or honor, but instead on their personal worth and character.

Our mission is to "to aid men in their mental, moral, and social development for life." In essence, we build Better Men for a Better World.